Environmental issues host a large range of different problems. These problems all have a common issue which is that they are external problems caused by a work-space/office that is hindering the production or effectiveness of work being done.

One type of environmental issue could be the noise pollution. Background noise is something which can be very distracting and can break communication up. This is a problem as it could lead to multiple issues in an office. An example of this could be an IT technician. If the technician is not able to understand the task they are given, they will struggle to complete it. This is because an IT technician must have some kind of background on a given task, so they can use a process of elimination in order to find a solution to the problem. A sound causes this problem by being more prevalent than someones speech, stopping the IT technician from understanding them. A solution to this problem would be moving away from the noisy area, or using another form of communication such as written communication to avoid sound being a factor.

A second issue which may appear as an environmental factor could be temperature. Temperature is something which can affect both hardware and the people operating it. The problems this lead to is often inefficiency in workers or hardware faults such as motherboards power down because of high CPU temperatures. In IT, someone who would have this problem a lot would be a system administrator. System administrators often work in close proximity to a lot of hardware, which can lead to rooms getting warm. This could slow them down and make the workers more drowsy, stopping the system administrator being as effective. Hardware problems can also come from the environment being to warm as well, as the fans will not be as effective, this may hinder the work of a system administrator as the hardware could then be acting faulty. A solution to cool the air down in the room could be done via extraction fans in the room, or opening doors and windows. As an alternative to fans, water cooling systems could be used on hardware to cool it down and reduce the heat is produces, also reducing the heat in the room.